Saturday, 9 June 2007

Statement on incomplete point on section in the document on Trotsky saying Capitalism became totally reactionary

I should have deleted one incomplete sentence. What I wanted to say (which I add in a few weeks) that in any new process of opposites there is progress and then it turns into its opposite by becoming reactionary or outlives its usefulness. I wanted to draw analogies with space and psyhics (cosmology) and in natural sciences. The Marxist Dialectical Materilaist method can be applied to all sciences. There are three main sciences which are:- Space (Cosmology); Natural Sciences (Biology); and society (Historical Materialism). They are how matter has evolved into living organisms; and a high form of living consciouness (humanity) can transform nature and ourselves. These three sciences have seperate laws but there is a dialectical inter-relationship between them influencing each other.

There are numerous grammatical errors in this document which I also correct before adding another post on this more extended document.

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