Sunday, 24 June 2007

One additional point on Harman

As I pointed out in April 2006 on this blog see (what McDonnell meeting
reveals about the period?) that if Brown carried on with Blair's offensive
against the Labour Movement there was a potential of titanic class battles.
The postal strike next friday and UNISON conference defeating Prentis in
favour of co-ordinated public sector srike action against low pay and
privisation is an indication of what's coming.

I have outlined how the radicalisation is already influencing the Labour
Party. If these strikes come into conflict with Brown it could deepen
the tensions within this party. By an oreination to the Labour Party
Trotskyists are not Conservative (with a small c) to youth who
rebel on the sreets which might appear in this radicalisation.

It could even be a sign of this radicalisation deepening into a pre-revolutionary
crisis. The role of Trotskyists is to link the revolutionary youth with the
millions of workers opppsing Brown. In doing this Trotskyists do not
adapt to the ultra-leftism of the youth who might subsitute themselves
for revolutionary action of millions and don't understand how to break
millions of workers from Social Democracy. A revolution is only possible
when millions of workers are convinced of this course. If the Ruling Class
senses a pre-revolutionary crisis is coming they could use Social Democracy
to give out reforms to stop a potential revolution. This is why Trotskyists
have to relate to Social Democracy so we can keep in touch with these workers
and don't allow ourselves to be outmanourved.


Anonymous said...

I don't think the reason trots relate to social democracy in order to keep in touch with social-democratic minded or influenced workers - it is about advancing the idea of the necessity of revolution.
in a future possible situation, where 'proto-soviets' exist (and i think the organisations we need to be building to support the postal workers' dispute would ideally be of a 'proto-soviet' nature... more on this later if you wish) revolutoinaries would of course work alongside workers that haven't "broken with capitalism and/ bourgeois society. This is precisely HOW you orient towards workers in general; most organised workers in britain are part of the social-democratic Second international, or what exists of that in terms of national SD parties like Labour, or SPD in germany; reformism:- the essence of SDism, IS the ideology of our class, insofar as there is one. so it is necessary in times like ours that revolutionaries fight for those parts of their program that are relevant to the class and the struggle currently but IN A REVOLUTIONARY MANNER.
in the LP of today, i dunno how long a revo. would last, or what kind of a hearing they might get, but then people in the LP - actual members, are perhaps more LW than 'the mass of workers' (whatever that is!)

anyway mucker it's good to see your blog!

if you are interested at all in the Campaign for a new Marxist Party, i have been at most of their national meetings and am on their e.list; also, i went to the conference of the Shop Stewards Network called by the RMT-inspired conference of last Nov. and am on a unison caucus list held by Terri Conway

Anonymous said...

by "precisely HOW you orient towards workers in general" i mean on the basis of class struggle. nothing else really is important, but drawing out the lessons of class struggle ie about the true nature of society, and hopefully also about the society we WANT to build.

Anonymous said...

are you on new york time?